RNC Night 3: Political Prisoner Peter Navarro Brings the Fire and the Warning

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Former President Trump’s White House advisor Peter Navarro walked onto the Republican National Convention main stage to a standing ovation, cheers, screams, and chants of “Fight!” 

In March, Navarro reported to federal prison in Miami to serve out his four-month sentence for contempt of Congress, after he refused to testify in front of the January 6 Committee and break executive privilege. On Wednesday, Navarro was released just hours before, and flew into Milwaukee a political prisoner who had sacrificed for his president and his country.

You folks just wanna know if you can see my MAGA tattoo that I got there.

Good to see that Navarro’s sense of humor was still intact. Navarro discussed the price he had to pay for standing up for the Constitution and his principles.

Joe Biden and his department of “injustice” put me there. Tonight, I am here with you, and it’s beautiful to see you, Milwaukee. I got a very simple message for you: If they can come for me. If they can come for Donald Trump. Be careful, they will come for you.

If we don’t control our government, their government will control us. If we don’t control all three branches of our government. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial, their government will put some of us, like me and Steve Bannon in prison, and control the rest of us.

Navarro outlined how they weaponized the January 6 Committee against him, demanding he break executive privilege. 

What did I do? refused. The J6 Committee demanded that I betray Donald John Trump to save my own skin: refused.

Here’s the thing about the Constitution: they demanded that I break the law, because they had no respect for it.

refused, and the Democrat majority in the House voted to hold me in contempt.

Navarro then explained how the Executive Branch was corrupted and used against him, citing Attorney General Merrick Garland. “There’s a winner,” Navarro joked.

For decades, for decades, the Department of “Injustice” right now. The Department of Justice policy stated, hear me out on this, if Congress slaps a subpoena on a senior White House adviser like me, the adviser’s duty is to politely tell them to, “Go. Pound. Sand.” That’s exactly what I did. 

Navarro explained how the Judicial Branch lobbed the final blow. Activist judges stripped him of every possible defense, packed his jury with D.C. loyalists, and it was a done deal. Navarro was bloody but unbowed.

“Guess what? They did not break me!” 

The crowd roared.

And they will never break Donald Trump. They will never break Donald Trump. Now here’s the most important thing I have to tell you. You may be thinking this couldn’t happen to you. Mmm Mmm, make no mistake, they’re already coming for you. Joe and Kamala, they threw out the Woke blue carpet across the Rio Grande, opened our borders, to what? Murderers and rapists.

Navarro laid out how the open borders, the theft of jobs through the Green New Deal, and Bidenflation coming after “what’s left of your savings and eating your wages is causing the fabric of families and communities to be irrevocably torn. 

Here’s the thing, I’m sitting in prison thinking about this, it’s just eating at me. Democrats come for your kids.

Navarro cited the divisive indoctrination in the public school system and how the erosion of civility has gotten us where we are.

This is the tale of two Americas, and you know it wasn’t this way when Donald Trump was president. In Trump’s America you didn’t have to be worried about being locked up for disagreeing with the government. I went to prison, so you don’t have to. I am your wake up call.

Navarro completed his remarks by bringing out his fiancé and wrapping it up with a lovely bow.

I’m going to leave you now with the last three words my beautiful fiancé said when I left that morning for prison. They weren’t, “I love you,” because that was a given. She simply said, “We got this. WE got this.” 

The crowd erupted with cheers of “USA,” and “Fight.”  

That’s what these lawfare jackals don’t understand. When they put people like me in prison and fire figurative, and now literal bullets at Donald Trump, they also assault our families. 

On election day, America will hold these lawfare jackals accountable. Now here’s the sweetest thing that’s gonna come off my lips. Vote Trump-Vance ’24, for Trump 47.

I’m Peter Navarro. I went to prison so you don’t have to. This is my beautiful girl, she did the time with me. That’s what these friggin’ Democrats don’t understand, they do this to our family. She’s my girl!

I love you, let’s win, do not let up! Pedal to the medal ’til we’re done! 

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