Kamala Brings in the Big Bucks in Post-Biden Fundraising Haul

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This probably isn’t the big deal the legacy media will make it out to be, but it is significant: since old Joe Biden has dropped out of the race, Kamala Harris has been enjoying quite the fundraising haul. 

An earlier Fox News story had the amount at $49.6 million.

Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign has raised nearly $50 million in grassroots donations since President Biden suspended his re-election bid and endorsed her, Fox News Digital has learned. 

“Since the President endorsed Vice President Harris yesterday afternoon, everyday Americans have given $49.6 million in grassroots donations to her campaign,” the Harris campaign told Fox News Digital.

The campaign told Fox News Digital that the figure represents grassroots donations raised across “all entities, including ActBlue.”

How much of this, one wonders, is due to Democrat party members enthusiasm over the prospect of a President Harris, and how much is just released, pent-up donations that were being withheld due to nervousness over President Biden’s botching of the presidential debate and every single appearance and conversation he has had since?

See Related: Top Democrats Frustrated by Being Stuck in ‘Doom Loop’ Amid Doubts About Biden’s Future

It’s easy to assume the latter, but you know what happens when we assume.

The legacy media and Democrats will no doubt make much of this haul, but more money doesn’t necessarily equal election victory. In 2016, Hillary Clinton outspent Donald Trump by a wide margin. In that election, the Clinton campaign spent $563,756,928 in candidate committee money and $412,224,321 in outside money for a total of $975,981,249. The Trump campaign, in these same categories, spent $333,127,164 and $200,531,126, for a total of $533,658,290.

In other words, in 2016, Donald Trump won handily despite being outspent nearly two to one.

And that election wasn’t nearly as discombobulated as this one is sure to be, with one party’s candidate bounding from strength to strength, literally leaping to his feet after being shot in the face and then proceeding to a rip-roaring convention. The other party’s candidates? The original withdrew from the race, having been pushed to do so by growing numbers of disaffected co-partisans concerned about his obvious physical and mental decline, and who was replaced by the worst candidate since, well, Hillary Clinton.

See Related: Joe Biden Stepped Down from His Campaign on National Ice Cream Day, Indicative of the Dem Party Meltdown

REVEALED: Obama Lied to Everyone About Biden’s Senility at Infamous L.A. Fundraiser

Money may make the world go around, but in politics, money may be a lot, but it ain’t everything. Messaging counts for as much if not more, and from what we’ve seen so far, the Trump campaign has a better message, one with broader appeal, not to mention a guy at the front of the ticket who has been giving off serious hero vibes.

Still, the GOP shouldn’t be resting on their laurels. They have a fundraising machine, too, and it’s time to kick it into high gear. This isn’t the time to take anything for granted, and the Trump campaign had damn well better be prepared to fight like they are ten points behind right up to election day.

This seems appropriate.


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