Buttigieg Tries to Attack Trump Over Debate, Accidentally KO's Biden Instead

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Democrats and their compliant media were trying to spread the narrative that former President Donald Trump was backing out of debates with Kamala Harris. 

What the Trump team actually said was that because of all the machinations that the Democrats had put on with shoving Joe Biden to the side and then some trying to anoint Kamala Harris without even a primary vote for the position, it wasn’t officially clear yet who the nominee of the party is, and that they shouldn’t be wasting their time setting up anything until there was an official nominee. 

That’s not “backing out.” But that shows the bias of the media once again. The problem here isn’t with the Republicans, it’s with the Democrats who are upending “democracy” because they know they were going down with Biden. 

Trump leveled Harris with that statement showing how illegitimate her position was at this point. 

READ MORE: One Little Phrase Showed Trump Is Just Too Much for Kamala Harris to Handle

But as our sister site Twitchy reported, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg decided to step in and attack Trump. 

“Has a presidential nominee ever agreed to a debate, then pulled out? Remarkable show of weakness here,” Buttigieg said. 

Now, that’s not true because there was no agreement to a debate with Harris. 

What is even funnier about that claim is that it’s Biden who agreed to the debate, and it’s Biden who has “pulled out” — or more exactly has been pushed aside by his own party because he was beaten so badly by Trump in the debate and was so out of it, they knew he was going to lose the election. The “weakness” is all on the Democrats here. 

People had a lot of fun just raking Buttigieg over the coals for this Democratic effort to upend reality. 

That’s the bottom line that Democrats don’t want to admit — that this is a choice that was far from democratic from the guys who pretend they’re “saving democracy.” Kamala is the elite’s choice that is being foisted on people because Biden showed how incompetent he was in the debate. And Democrats don’t want to remember how bad Kamala was in her last debate when she got creamed by Tulsi Gabbard and knocked out of the race in 2020. 

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