April 2024 Book Haul


I have been really bad about taking photos lately, so this book haul will just be titles and where I got them.  They are in no particular order.


From Publisher:

Pillow Talk  (finished graphic novel)




Death at Morning House


Kindle Deals:

Wicked Little Secrets


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Love & Other Flight Delays

By the Book

What the Hex

The Book of Cold Cases

A Perilous Understanding

With Love, From Cool World

Unfortunately Yours

All Eyes On Us

Lost to Dune Road

The Unmaking of June Farrow

Dark Heir

Your Lonely Nights Are Over

One of Us is Dead

Deadly Little Sins


Not many books this month.  I believe that’s 19.  Spoiler for May.  I am close to double that already and it’s not the end of the month.  I’ve read 4 of these so far.


How was your April haul?  Have you read any of these?





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