Understaffed Park Service Left on Its Own As Pro-Hamas Protesters Trash DC- 'We've Just Been Neglected'

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The footage was jarring—yet all too common in today’s America. Violent protesters vandalizing historic American landmarks, assaulting law enforcement, and chanting their support for terrorists.

In 2020, the “mostly peaceful” BLM/George Floyd riots caused between $1–2 billion in damages and an estimated 25 lives, but now there’s a new cause: hating Israel and supporting the Hamas terrorists.

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to Washington, D.C., this week to try to talk some sense into the “useful idiots” who are being manipulated by Iran, those very same useful idiots were out on the streets of the nation’s capital doing what they do best: creating havoc. 


But where was law enforcement? In this case, as in so many others, they were “understaffed.” A mere 29 officers were tasked with holding back the enraged mob:

US Park Police were “alone” and “understaffed” while being “assaulted by a mob of thousands” of pro-Hamas rioters in Washington, DC, on Wednesday — some of whom even pelted officers with poop, according to the force’s union chief.

Park Police Fraternal Order of Police chairman Kenneth Spencer told The Post in an interview a day after the unhinged riot that just 29 of his officers had faced down the terrorist-sympathizing mob outside Union Station — which is just blocks from the Capitol.

Related: OPINION: Nancy Pelosi’s Response to Netanyahu Speech Was Despicable

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While untold piles of money are being thrown at EV charging stations that never seem to actually get built, the administration and their Democrat lackeys don’t seem to care about little things like security:

“We were primarily alone,” said Spencer, a 15-year veteran who revealed that years of “empty promises” to beef up the agency’s shoestring budget have gone unfulfilled by Congress and the Interior Department, which primarily deals with the nation’s rural national parks rather than civil unrest in big cities.

“Especially in the DC area, everybody’s so understaffed just like we are,” he explained. “We have a huge mission. We’re the agency that protects First Amendment rights when people come to visit DC.”

The obvious question is: Why are they underfunded? Why was security so understaffed here, why was law enforcement “caught off guard” on Jan. 6, why were they so unprepared for the takeovers of so many of our nation’s college campuses?

The answer is actually simple: The left wants this chaos. You don’t have to go far to find proof:

Under Biden, the Democrats have passed bills like the ludicrously named “Inflation Reduction Act” that cost billions upon billions, yet I bet most Americans cannot name a single thing these things have done to improve their lives. In fact,  the profligate spending has caused one thing: skyrocketing inflation, which has hit every citizen in the pocketbook and decreased the quality of life for virtually everyone.

So, with all this money being spent, how is it possible that the Park Service has inadequate resources to deal with a riot that was almost as predictable as the rising sun? 

It’s because the left wanted this, and they will continue to endorse and enable it until—God willing—we and the rest of America’s voters send them packing.

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